What we Upholstered Wednesday
Today we share a gorgeous rocker chair with footstool. These pieces have been upholstered in a blue tone Charlotte fabric.
Times, they are a changing!
How much do you love those posters that list the news headlines, popular songs and movies, and the cost of items on your birth year? I totally love them. I love getting a glimpse into the past.
We recently had a client give us such a glimpse. They brought in a receipt for the recovery of 6 dining room chair seats, dated November 8, 1989 done by Trevor Brown Upholstery. It is an actual hand written receipt also - blows my mind!
Spoiler - the price of upholstery has definitely increased in the last 30 years but it is very interesting to see and have an actual receipt from Trevor Brown Upholstery past.
(also, that person must have a meticulous filing system - I can barely find my keys)
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Here’s a fun custom upholstered job we did - padded headrest covers for bumper cars! Is there anything our staff can’t do? Well, we can’t limbo but in the field of upholstery, we can do anything!
BEFORE - ouch! Looks like a concussion in the making
AFTER - perfectly padded and excellent colour match
AFTER - the whole gang, ready to roll (well, bump)
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Today we’re sharing the most unique and funky little side chair. It’s been recovered in a patchwork pattern with three different materials and contrasting buttons on the seat.
What a cool focal point this chair will be.
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Today we’re sharing the recovery of some lovely pews. New foam and upholstery makes them look like new!
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Today we’re sharing some awesome booth seating. We love the colour choice made here!!
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Today we’re sharing a pair of gorgeous antique chairs that had new life breathed into them by the staff at Trevor Brown Upholstery. Enjoy!
What we Upholstered Wednesday
This beautiful rocking chair was upholstered in a rich leather which makes it look so warm and wonderful.
Upholstered in Buckskin leather - Windsor colour Chestnut
Look at the amazing detail work
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Did you know we also service the healthcare industry?
Hospitals, doctor and dental offices, chiropractic, and massage…..if it’s got material on it, we can recover it!
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Check out these gorgeous dining room chairs that we’ve recovered. We’ve also touched up and cleaned up the wood finish to make them sparkle.