Waste Not, Want Not
I came across a really interesting info graphic recently about the challenges and opportunities in the furniture industry and am excited to share it with you.
It’s shocking to see just how much waste we create but it’s also really inspiring to see that reusing what we already have can make a big impact on our world.
Thank you Kay Chesterfield Inc Re-Upholstery for compiling this graphic.
Times, they are a changing!
How much do you love those posters that list the news headlines, popular songs and movies, and the cost of items on your birth year? I totally love them. I love getting a glimpse into the past.
We recently had a client give us such a glimpse. They brought in a receipt for the recovery of 6 dining room chair seats, dated November 8, 1989 done by Trevor Brown Upholstery. It is an actual hand written receipt also - blows my mind!
Spoiler - the price of upholstery has definitely increased in the last 30 years but it is very interesting to see and have an actual receipt from Trevor Brown Upholstery past.
(also, that person must have a meticulous filing system - I can barely find my keys)
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Look at this amazing custom chaise! This material is gorgeous - I could see myself lounging here asking the butler to bring me a drink ;)
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Today we’re sharing the recovery of some lovely pews. New foam and upholstery makes them look like new!
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Bringing you a before and after of a gorgeous leather chair - enjoy!!!
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Here is another 1970s vintage chair that has had new life breathed into it and it’s bloody fantastic!
What we Upholstered Wednesday
The days are getting shorter.
The weather is getting colder.
But it’s not all bad….snowmobile season is around the corner. So bring your old seat in for a recover or repair.
look at this BEFORE photo…..
and the amazing AFTER product. It’s like a whole new seat!
What we Upholstered Wednesday
I don’t know about you but by February, I get pretty tired of winter. I start to long for more sunshine and warmth and I dream of relaxing evenings on the patio with a good book and cool drink.
So today I’m sharing the recovery of some patio furniture to get you in the mood for summer too.
How great does this look? So comfortable and relaxing!
I mean, COME ON SUMMER - it’s time for us all to enjoy this view!
What we Upholstered Wednesday
This week I want to showcase a few really unique chairs. The sky is the limit when it comes to upholstery and it’s so fun to see clients’ tastes in full effect with their choices!
This piece was recovered in a silver velvet and painted to match
This chair was upholstered in a hair on cow hide. I could pet it all day.
This chair was upholstered in a sweet animal print (animal prints, they’re so hot right now) and the wood was also painted black. Tres cool
What we Upholstered Wednesday
Happy Hump Day!
Today I’m bringing you another awesome Before and After.
These chairs are so retro and soooo comfortable - absolutely worth the investment of the recovery. Enjoy!
BEFORE - from the side
AFTER - Isn’t she lovely…..
AFTER - Isn’t she wonderful…..